T4 Client Engagement P11Ds Agreement - Employers Engagement Agreements - Forms P11Ds and P11D(b) - Employers Engagement Agreements - Forms P11Ds and P11D(b) - Employers ESTIMATED TIME: 15 Minutes INTRODUCTION NOTE: This agreement is specific to form P11D and form P11D(b) declarations for Employers. ALL clients should ensure they have also read and agreed to our "General Terms" agreement. The purpose of this agreement is to set out the basis on which we will provide this specific service, including your responsibilities and our responsibilities. We will only prepare year-end accounts where: a) we also assist with bookkeeping, payroll and VAT returns (which each have their own engagement agreements) and, b) where clients are using bookkeeping software recommended or agreed to by us, e.g. Quickbooks. At the end of this agreement process you will be asked to agree and sign. If you are in any doubt about any aspects of his service or agreement you must raise those issues with us BEFORE you sign the agreement. If you are unable to agree to the terms and conditions of this service, we will not be able to provide this service to you. T4 Tax Limited are not registered "auditors". Therefore, we do not undertake audit services. Where an audit required this would need to be done by a separate registered auditor. When an audit is required is covered later in this agreement. Read and Continue Yes, continue BASIC CLIENT INFORMATION Next, we will ask for your name and company name etc. Your Company Name (In Full) * Include Ltd or Limited as applicable. Your First Name * Your Surname * Your Email * Agree and continue * Yes, agree and continue WHAT YOU MUST DO Next, we will explain your responsibilities in relation to this service agreement YOUR EMPLOYER & TAX RESPONSIBILITIES * Employers have legal responsibilities under the Taxes Acts in respect of declarations about benefits and expenses for employees. These include: a) Submit form P11D to HMRC for each employee that has any taxable "benefits in kind" or expenses. b) Submit a form P11D(b) to HMRC as the employer. c) Pay any Employers National Insurance (Class 1A NIC) to HMRC on the taxable benefits. d) Give your employees a copy of their P11D by 6 July after the end of the tax year. d) Keep records to support P11Ds filed. It is your responsibility to: a) reply promptly to any requests by us for information we need from you, b) provide us with accurate and full replies to our requests for information. Gov.uk Link to guidance about forms P11D and P11d(b) (opens new tab) LINK: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-complete-forms-p11d-and-p11db The following link will take you to the Gov.uk guidance about "Vans" and taxable private use. (opens new tab) LINK: https://www.gov.uk/expenses-and-benefits-company-vans YOUR TAX RESPONSIBILITIES * It is your responsibility to: a) Ensure P11Ds are accurate and correctly declare ALL taxable benefits in kind or expenses for EACH employee individually. b) Ensure any tax or employers NIC is paid on time. c) Ensure employee are made aware of their taxable benenfits. d) Ensure processes and systems are in place to enable accurate preparation of employer FORMS. YOUR OTHER GENERAL RESPONSIBILTIES * YOU MUST Notify us IMMEDIATELY of any changes to: i) the directors, ii) employees, iii) new benefits in kind provided to employees. As soon as those changes take place. Agree and Continue * Yes, agree and continue WHAT WE WILL DO Next, we will explain our responsibilities in relation to this service agreement. SCOPE OF OUR P11D WORK * We will, a) Prepare forms P11D for each employee, and b) Form P11D(b), c) Tell you, the employer, what tax or NIC the employer has to pay to HMRC, c) Using the information you provide to us, and, d) Bookkeeping records, e.g. Quickbooks. e) Send you the forms to approval and signature, f) Email copy of the P11Ds to staff on your behalf. g) Make the forms available to employees via the web, and mobile apps (where the payroll software allows for this). Agree and Continue * Yes, agree and continue SCOPE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Next, we will outline the scope of our professional responsibility. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY * We have a professional responsibility not to allow our name to be associated with financial statements which may be misleading. As no audit of your records is being undertaken, we are not required to search for errors or misleading information, however, should we become aware, for any reason, that the financial statements may be misleading, we will discuss the matter with you with a view to agreeing appropriate adjustments and, or, additional disclosures that we consider appropriate. If an agreement cannot be reached and we consider that the financial statements are misleading, we will withdraw from the engagement and we will not be liable for any penalties or fines for late submission of any documents or payment of tax. We will use reasonable skill and care in the preparation of your financial statements but we will not be responsible for errors arising from incorrect information supplied by you. We have a professional duty to compile financial statements, which conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Furthermore, the financial statements of a limited company are required to comply with the Companies Act 2006 and applicable accounting standards. Where we identify that the financial statements do not materially conform to accepted accounting principles, or if the accounting policies adopted are not immediately apparent, this will be made clear in our report, if it is not clear in the financial statements. Agree and Continue * Agree and continue EXCLUDED SERVICES & LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Next, Exclusions and service limitations SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS * We will NOT be responsible or liable for any of the following issues, including: i) Advise employees pr directors about any tax they have to pay on benefits or expenses. ii) Employee coding notices. It is the employees direct responsibility to liaise with HMRC directly about changes to their coding notice arising from benefits or expenses. Agree and Continue * Yes, agree and continue FEES About our fees for P11D services. Fees We reserve the right to charge separate fees for P11D related work. If you require a quote for our P11D and P11D(b) fees or charges please contact us BEFORE work is undertaken on preparation of these forms. Agree and Continue * Yes, agree and continue FEEDBACK Your feedback, comments and suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. How easy did you find this agreement to deal with? * star star_full 1 Star star star_full 2 Stars star star_full 3 Stars star star_full 4 Stars star star_full 5 Stars Your comments of feedback (if any) CONFIRM AND SIGN Next, your confirmation of your understanding and agreement to our terms of service. Please check the following and select each one to signal your agreement to the following: * I agree to check all documents I am asked to approve or sign dilegently for any errors or omissions. I agree to promptly answer any questions or requests for information or action needed of me. Accounts - I, as director, agree and confirm that I understand, and agree to, the terms of this engagement. GDPR (Data and Privacy Regulations): I agree to submitting and maintaining this information or documentation with T4 Tax Limited via this website. T4 use MailChimp.com if we need to send emails globally to all clients, or groups of clients. I consent to this submission automatically adding or updating my email address in T4's MailChimp.com account. (We or you can remove it later if you cease to be a client, for example). Signature * Clear Signature, the date will automatically be set by the date this agreement is completed. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit T4 Tax LimitedChartered Tax Advisers & Independent Certified Practising Accountants