T4 Forms

Client Communications Concent Form.

T4 Privacy & Data, GDPR Compliance.

Our general privacy and data concent form for general communication between T4 and yourself.

All our forms are designed to be easy, quick and simple to complete.

Client Communications Consent Form

Client Instructions Made Easy

T4 Privacy & Data – Communication Methods – Consent Form.

Last Updated: 11 January 2021

We endeavour to update the ways we communication with clients and share information and documents to adapt to an ever changing tech world taking into account efficiency, speed, simplicity and ease of use, security, GDPR and client preferences.

Whatsapp (owned by Facebook) changing aspects of its terms and conditions as of Feb 2021

We have added Signal.org messaging as a secure alternative or in addition to Whatsapp as there is generally come concern as to the direction Facebook is going in respect of Whatsapp.

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Client Privacy & Data Consent Form

Clarity & Simplicity

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