Limited Companies 

An introduction to Limited Companies.

Information about what is a Limited Company, when are they applicable, and how to Limited Companies operate?




Articles of Association

Companies are run within the terms and guidance of their “Articles of Association”. Legislation

Companies House Legislation

Companies also have to operate within the Government legislation governing Limited Companies.

Limited Companies are operated within and governed by the terms and conditions laid out in their “Articles of Association”.

This page gives access to a PDF version of the Model Articles of Association used when T4 Tax Limited helps clients for their Limited Company.

Click on the button Link above to view the Model Articles we use (opens a new window).

Directors are responsible for the day to day running of limited companies.

Shareholders are the owners of limited companies.

The images below shows how to view the clickable index in the document.


Companies House - Model Articles

The Model Articles of Association used are based on Companies House model articles that can be viewed online here:

With more information about Companies House model articles here:


Be Aware of IR35 & "Off-Payroll" Working Regulations

IR35 and “Off-Payroll” Working Regulations are a draconian set of regulations that can severely impact of people running their own companies. 


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